My daughter is 6 months old and frankly I haven’t been able to catch up with life ever since she was born. I know I am posting something I baked when she was four months old when she is six months old but I at least manage to bake something for her every month though it finds this space way beyond the expected schedule.
I decided to bake this cake because it sounded enchanting. sh-arl-ot-ka sounds like the name of a Russian girl I would love to befriend :) Well this is a low fat cake with no milk, butter and very little sugar. The fact that it has no butter made me think twice before baking this because I was supposed to bake a loaf for a friend of my hubby’s at the office. I am not a fan of apples and have never laid my hands over a clafoutis or apple pie. But I must say I enjoyed baking this cake though I am not sure if I should call it a cake, pie or pancake :)
Ingredients for Sharlotka ( Recipe source: Smitten kitchen)
Apples- 6
All purpose flour- 125 g
Vanilla extract- 1 tsp
Vinegar- 1 tsp
Sugar- 200 g
Ground cinnamon- a pinch
Powdered sugar- for dusting
I have managed to bake something for Sarah every month so far, but I am a bit sad that I wont be able to bake her a cake for her baptism this weekend. But I hope to bake a small cake for her when we get back home after the baptism but its a big group this time. So lets see ! I haven’t been able to spend much time here and despite my attempts to line up posts I could not even compose this one at a stretch motherhood can be taxing :) thanks for being patient dear readers!! I will be back in action from Monday. Till then stay tuned.