Pumpkin Pancakes- The 365 Days Toddler Meal Challenge
Food blogging is fun and it can turn into an obsession. People often tell me Sunoj and Sarah must be lucky because they get to taste all these stuff I shoot. I agree about...
Food blogging is fun and it can turn into an obsession. People often tell me Sunoj and Sarah must be lucky because they get to taste all these stuff I shoot. I agree about...
Passion fruit would be the last thing on earth I thought I would ever use in my meals. But mom and her passion fruit produce made me try passion fruit curd for the first...
I don’t endorse salads. As a family we aren’t great salad eaters. My mom though always had a fascination for salads. She brought her salad week (just like her rice week/ pasta week/salad week)...
Pickles and oil are inseparable to us Indians. Unlike in the West where salted goodies are classified as pickles, In India the veggies in brine are not pickles, we Keralites call it ‘Upilitathu’- which...
I must admit, I have a weakness. I fall for deception :) You deck up my oats like this and I cannot refuse having them. Sometimes its not just the taste but the...
Holi to me was just a lesson from my hindi text book where I was taught people played with colours on this day and burnt Holika. As I grew up Holi to me was...